The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is a military cadet corps youth organisation supported by the Singapore Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Education. As of December 2015, it had a total strength of 18,000+ members. This consists of 823 Officers, 407 Cadet Officers and 14500 cadets, amongst others.The NCC is represented in Secondary Schools and there are a total 155 School Units-120 Land Units, 17 Sea Units and 18 Air Units.
Video National Cadet Corps (Singapore)
Within the framework of the training programme, NCC cadets have the opportunity of taking part in many activities.
Training Days
Every unit conducts training at least twice a week. Training Days usually begins and ends with a simple parade. The parade at the start of training is usually used for taking attendance and briefing cadets on the schedule for the day's training session while the parade at the end of training is used to brief cadets on subsequent events and as a short feedback session. A typical training day might include Physical Training, Drills and lessons on topics such as Individual Fieldcraft, Navigation and other military-related topics.
Physical Training
Physical Training (PT) usually starts with a short warm-up, then a few sets of static exercises before the whole unit goes for a company run. Physical fitness is a criterion for the Best Unit Competition. It is also a graded component for courses.
Physical Fitness is also a key factor in the current theme of "Cadet Strong", whereby NCC Cadets are "Cadet Strong", with a resilient mind, fit body and committed heart.
A cadet with a resilient mind is confident to take on challenges and overcome setbacks.
Every cadet understands the importance of a fit body, takes ownership to maintain a good level of physical fitness and adopt healthy eating habits.
Each cadet has a committed heart and lives by the NCC Core Values with a strong sense of purpose to serve the cadet's team, school and nation. Cadet learns passionately to develop cadet's own abilities and proactively contributes towards wherever the cadet is.
Technical Handling
All cadets have to go through Technical Handling (Trainfire) lessons as part of the NCC Basic Trainfire Package in order to learn the proper procedures of handling the SAR 21. Lessons are conducted by SAF National Servicemen Full-time (NSFs) and NCC Cadet Officers who have attained the Army/RSN/RSAF-NCC badge and are certified as Trainfire instructors. The Basic Trainfire Package includes stripping and assembly, marksmanship fundamentals, stoppages and remedies, and weapon reloading.
Cadets have the opportunity of firing a SAR 21 rifle on firing ranges. Cadets first train on the Individual Marksmanship Trainer (IMT), a computerised simulation, before progressing on to shoot at live firing ranges. Safety is always the main concern when shooting, with everything done by the book. Cadet live firing is always conducted by active armed forces personnel under the supervision of a trained Safety Officer. An armed forces Medic is also attached as a safety measure.
A Shooting Competition is also organised annually where cadets from all three services (Land, Sea and Air) compete.
Cadets who obtain a respectable shooting score are awarded a Marksmanship badge.
All NCC units practice drills as a means of instilling discipline and teamwork, it is also used in formal parades, for moving around military bases and moving cadets in a smart and orderly fashion.
Cadets and Cadet Officers who possess a high standard of military drill may be given Parade Appointments such as Colours Ensign, Parade Regimental Sergeant Major, Colours Regimental Sergeant Major and the Parade Commander. This group is given further drill training and compose the Guard-of-Honour contingent who greet visiting dignitaries.
As of 2009, a Cadet Leader from each unit will attend the Advanced Drill Course, which will enable them to learn advanced foot drills, arms drills, sword drills, colours drills, and pace stick drills.
Units have Freestyle Exhibition Drill teams which specialise in performing display drills and the newly introduced Precision Drill Squad who perform with Lee-Enfield Mk-IV rifles.
Leadership Courses
Every cadet is a leader, and will influence their peers to do well and focus on completing the objective at hand. Under the NCC Syllabus, there are a few Leadership Courses for NCC Cadets to attend.
Physical Training Instructor (PTI) Course
The PTI course is designed for our Secondary 2 cadets who have the interest in being a physical fitness instructor. They are taught the various ways of conducting physical fitness lessons and are equipped with the basic theory of physical fitness. The PTI course is a great training aid for our cadets' fitness, as they will have the necessary skills to lead their unit in physical fitness trainings to attain Gold for their NAPFA test.
Senior Specialist Leaders Course
Senior Specialist Leaders Course (SSLC) is a 3-days-2-nights course that serves as a replacement for the previous Senior Specialist Course and Leaders Camp. The Cadet Leaders will further enhance their leadership skills by working together during team activities and develop a resilient mind through camping and challenging activities. They will experience activities such as Advanced Foot and Arms Drills, Urban Operations, Knots & Lashings and the Fitness Challenge etc. Cadets who are selected to join the course are given high expectations in order to graduate and earn their NCC Staff Sergeant (SSG) rank.
Cadet Officer Course
The Cadet Officer course is a gruelling 2-week course, designed for our cadets who have graduated from their secondary school education. Upon entering the course, the cadets will participate as Cadet Officer-Trainees (CDTs), and will learn how to manage and work better as a team as they go through the daily programmes. Through situational tests and scenarios, Trainees will also acquire the knowledge of how to plan and execute events/training effectively by working with their team-mates. Leadership skills are also enhanced, as every Trainee is put in a position to lead their platoon. During the 2 weeks, Cadet Officer-Trainees are expected to exemplify themselves as effective leaders, and graduate as a full-fledged Cadet Officer (C/OFFR).
Teacher Officer Course
The Teacher Officer Course is a 2-week course, designed for newly appointed NCC Teachers-in-charge. Upon entering the course, the teachers will participate as NCC Officer-Cadets (OCTs). The course provides the teachers with a better understanding of the NCC Curriculum and the programmes their cadets get to experience during their NCC journey. The course will aid teachers in conducting training sessions for their cadets in their respective units. Upon graduation, the teachers will graduate as NCC 2nd Lieutenants (2LT), or a higher rank depending on their rank in NS, and are thereafter appointed as Teacher Officers.
Adventure Training
Junior Cadets (Secondary 1 cadets) attend an outdoor camp for at least 2 days and 1 night conducted by their school's unit. From 2008 onwards, they will also attend Camp FORGE, an adventure-based experiential day camp held in NCC Campus. The acronym FORGE stands for Fun with friendship, Orientation with outdoor activities, Responsibility and resilience building, and Experiential learning. Cadets are given opportunities to participate in activities such as archery, paint-ball gun competition and the Flying Fox, amongst many adventure facilities.
Senior Cadets (Secondary 2 cadets), will attend Camp STEEL STEEL stands for Standards, Tenacity, Emotional Intelligence, Energy and Leadership. This is a 1 Day non-residential camp during which cadets participate in more challenging adventure training like the Rappelling Wall, Advanced Paintball Challenge, Weapons Technical Handling, Team Building and Team Learning, and basic Emotional Intelligence (EI) to become better leaders themselves, as well as of their peers and juniors.
geant (3SG).
Cadets are also provided many opportunities to attend adventure courses locally and overseas. The following are some of the courses available:
- Outward Bound Course in Singapore
- Basic Survival Course(NCC HQ)
- Intermediate survival course 2d1n on {Pulau Ubin}
- Annual Kayaking Expedition
- Exercise PUNCAK (Mount Ophir Expedition)
- Endau Rompin Expedition
- Outward Bound Course in Sabah/ Brunei
- Desert Trekking in India
- Glider Course in India
- Jungle Training Course in Brunei
In addition to the above, the SAF also supports the NCC in getting selected NCC cadets to experience SAF Overseas Training during the various SAF Exercises. For example, selected NCC cadets are provided opportunities to observe the SAF training during the following Exercises and countries:
- Exercise Thunder Warrior - New Zealand
- Exercise Wallaby - Australia
- Exercise Battle King - Thailand
- Exercise Panzer Strike - Germany (scheduled in 2011)
Other opportunities include: Pearce Air Base Visit (Australia) Midshipman Sea Training Deployment (MSTD)
NCC cadets are also able to attend prestigious courses such as the Basic Diving Course conducted by the RSN Naval Diving Unit, as well as the Basic Airborne Course conducted by the Singapore Armed Forces Commando Formation
Currently, there are 17 different types of adventure training offered to cadets both locally and overseas as compared to 21 types of similar adventure training worldwide. The NCC is constantly seeking new adventure programmes to broaden the experiences and horizon of its cadets.
Community Volunteering
Cadets often volunteer to help local charitable organisations through various fund raising and interaction programmes. For example, the Corps has previously raised funds for disabled youth. The Corps also frequently organises Clean-up projects at local parks, beaches and nature reserves.
In addition, the Corps occasionally organises overseas community projects in countries like India and Cambodia.
International Cadet Exchange Programmes
Every year selected cadets are given the opportunity to participate in various international exchanges with cadets from countries such as Australia, Brunei, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Hong Kong, India and China.
Maps National Cadet Corps (Singapore)
- LTC J P Durcan (January 1969 - June 1970
- LTC Mohd Salleh (June 1970 - December 1970)
- MAJ Syed Hashim Aljoffrey (January 1971 - March 1972)
- MAJ Yeo Peck Chua (April 1972 - January 1980)
- COL John Morrice (February 1980 - February 1981)
- MAJ Yeo See Cheh (March 1981 - April 1983)
- LTC Toh Chee Keong (1 May 1983 - 31 December 1990)
- LTC George Ho Yat Yuen (1 January 1991 - 16 October 1994)
- LTC Swee Boon Chai (17 October 1994 - 30 June 1997)
- LTC Yeo Yoon Soon (1 July 1997 - 31 March 2000)
- LTC Phua Puay Hiong (1 April 2000 - 10 January 2003)
- LTC Lim Teong Lye (11 January 2003 - 16 December 2004)
- LTC Colin Wong (17 December 2004 - 8 June 2007)
- LTC Stuart Khoo (8 June 2007 - 3 December 2008)
- LTC Adrian Koh (3 December 2008 - 10 January 2013)
- LTC Johnny Yeo Yew Kuan (10 January 2013 - 5 February 2016)
- LTC Richard Koh Ban Chuan (5 February 2016 - Current)
Director of Music
- MAJ (NCC) Anthony Chew (1999 - current)
See also
- Singapore Armed Forces
National Cadet Corps -
Ministry Of Defence -
External links
- Official website
- National Cadet Corps Act
Source of article : Wikipedia